Highwood Village, Horsham
Highwood Village is a new build residential development in Horsham, West Sussex consisting of houses and apartments over multiple phases. Within phases 8 and 9 covered within this scope of work, a total of 94 houses and apartments are to be provided, with associated access roadways, pedestrian pavements, landscaping and garden spaces.
As part of the Clients drive to reduce emissions associated with their development proposals, Futura Bright were tasked with the embodied emissions calculations Working with the Client, Futura Bright calculated anticipated material quantities within the proposed development, and then utilizing ONEClick LCA software calculated the embodied emissions of the materials within the development for RICS modules A1 through to A4 for the Clients internal modelling.
From this, information was able to be passed on to the Client outlining the current development performance, and where potential savings could be made within the design to reduce emissions further in the future either here or on future sites. Comparisons with internal and relevant external benchmarks were also made to assist the design team further.
Market Sector
Whole Life Carbon Assessments
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Located in Stanmore, London, the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital proposed a new operating theatre building with associated circulation spaces, sanitary facilities, recovery rooms and staff areas.