Whether it’s your own house, or part of a wider property portfolio you manage, decreasing emissions from existing buildings is not only a key aspect of the route to reducing global emissions, but also now forms part of ESG commitments and a drive to reduce the impact of energy price fluctuations in your building stock.
Our team is able to digitally replicate your building and its current performance within dynamic software and calibrate this to your existing energy use through the approved CIBSE TM63 methodology, to ensure it is an accurate representation of your current building. From here, energy improvements can be modelled – from increased insulation to replaced glazing and HVAC – so that the improvement in energy use, emissions and cost of running can be modelled and demonstrated.
Subsequently, this allows building manages and facilities teams to develop effective cost-benefit analyses of the proposed upgrades to the building, where appropriate decisions can be made for the future.
Out team can accurately model your building and provide information on potential improvements to emissions, energy use and costs of a range of building improvements to assist you in meeting your climate goals.