

As environmental restrictions become more challenging, more and more of the performance of a building is needing to be tested before planning approval. 

With Building Regulations Part L and O becoming increasing challenging, elevations and window layout need to be tested before the fixing of drawing following approval to avoid the risk of amendments down the line. Emissions reductions – enforced by the majority of local authorities, and encouraged by others – need to be demonstrate too, either to meet emissions targets or to provide information on any Carbon Offset Payment that may be needed. 

Futura Bright offer a range of calculations and report which aim to provide detailed information in an easy to understand manner which can be submitted in support of your application. We not only liaise with the design team on what is needed, but undertake the necessary calculations and present the results in easy to read, coherent reports which allow decision makes to make the right decision on your plans. Get in touch to see how we can help you with your application. 

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Services provided:

Overheating is now required to be considered for all new residential buildings as part of compliance with Building Regulations Part O Compliance to ensure that the health and wellbeing of residents is not impacted by increased internal temperatures during the summer period. Residential buildings include any buildings where people sleep with the exclusion of hotels, and therefore includes student halls of residence, care facilities, HMO accommodation, and hostels amongst others. 

Our experienced and accredited assessors conduct comprehensive dynamic 3D modelling of your development to assist in developing a fabric and window opening specification which meets these stringent requirements, and will advise on other issue which need to be considered as part of the assessment methodology, including: 

  • Security
  • Safety
  • Noise
  • Pollution 

A full written report will be provided outlining the calculations made, the methodology followed, and any mitigation measures incorporated to secure ADO compliance. 

Air quality assessments are a planning requirement for major developments and any projects that could impact air quality, either directly or indirectly. They are also necessary for developments installing biomass boilers, combined heat, and power (CHP) systems, or requiring substantial earthworks or demolition.

A detailed air quality assessment examines air quality during both construction and occupation, evaluating the development’s impact on the local area during construction and considering air quality for building occupants upon completion.

Our air quality consultants monitor existing air quality, forecast short- and long-term air quality, and recommend appropriate measures to minimize impact by:
  • Assessing the local area impact during construction.
  • Meeting local planning policy standards.
  • Managing air quality for occupants upon completion.
  • Developing coordinated solutions with other disciplines.

A circular economy (CE) is achieved by keeping materials in use for as long as possible, before reusing or recycling them. The goal is to create minimal waste, instead retaining the value of resources. In construction, this is achievable in how buildings are designed, built, operated, maintained, and replaced.

A statement is required for all major developments across London (and increasingly LPA’s outside of London). It must be submitted with a planning application, as part of policy SI7 of the London Plan. The statement’s principles must then be adopted throughout the design and construction process.

A circular economy assessment helps developers to embed sustainable practice to deliver long-term benefits from building materials and their usage.

We’ll help you to:

  • Develop sustainable designs
  • Maximise resource efficiency
  • Deliver flexible buildings
  • Minimise waste
Assessments of daylight and sunlight explore how a proposed development will influence the accessibility of sunlight to neighbouring properties and regulate natural light levels within the new building. These assessments play a crucial role in mitigating planning risks, shaping viable designs, and ensuring the creation of high-quality, energy-efficient spaces.

Whether its maximising internal daylight provision, quantifying and minimising this impact on other surrounding buildings and dwellings, or measuring the impact of proposals to surrounding public space, Futura Bright can assist you in developing compliant and considerate designs that minimise all impacts. Utilising advanced 3D modelling techniques, across multiple platforms, our building performance specialists provide a comprehensive view of a development’s impact.

Our dedicated team ensures that reports supporting planning applications not only demonstrate compliance but also embody considerate designs, aligning with BRE 209 good practice guidance.

We are here to help you:
  • Manage natural light levels within a development
  • Understand the impact on neighbouring properties
  • Provide coordinated solutions with other disciplines

Energy Statements are required for all new developments, and in some cases, conversions, or renovations across the London Boroughs. Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) outside of London are increasingly mandating Energy Strategies to support planning applications.

Given that measures outlined in an Energy Statement often become planning conditions, it’s crucial for them to be not only compliant but also in alignment with broader project parameters and objectives.

Our planning and building performance specialists collaborate with design teams to develop Energy Strategies that adhere to local planning policy or fulfil client requirements related to ESG commitments. Regardless of the location, we tailor Energy Strategies to meet the stringent requirements outlined within local policy.

Following the Energy Hierarchy, our approach ensures that you:

  • Develop cost-effective, compliant, and viable strategies
  • Reduce emissions and achieve the zero-carbon standard where necessary
  • Follow a Fabric First Approach
  • Balance energy performance with design objectives and budget
  • Comply with London Plan and LPA policy requirements
  • Demonstrate energy efficiency and emissions reduction
  • Ensure a coordinated approach
  • Develop high-quality, cost-effective buildings
  • Fulfil planning or employer requirements

Noise Impact Assessments guarantee that a development will neither be adversely affected by its surroundings nor impact them negatively.

These assessments typically establish design parameters for façade and glazing performance, with potential influences on ventilation and heating systems, thus shaping the overarching energy strategy. Noise emissions can also play a role in on-site project delivery, particularly for developers aiming for considerate construction practices that minimise disturbances for neighbours.

Sites exposed to high noise levels, often those in proximity to transport links, necessitate a noise assessment for planning applications. Depending on the development type or nearby facilities, vibration considerations may also be included in impact assessments. Subsequently, developers are required to incorporate mitigation measures for the benefit of future occupants.

Our team collaborates closely with your design teams to ensure a unified approach, minimising the risk of later alterations to designs.

We provide coordinated assessments to comprehend and manage noise impact, assisting you to:

  • Limit noise emissions during the construction phase
  • Manage noise levels for occupants
  • Make informed design decisions
  • Ensure integrated solutions

This service is provided by a trusted partner.

Achieving carbon-efficient developments requires a comprehensive understanding of a buildings’ actual operational energy performance.

While Part L calculations and Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) offer insights into a building’s anticipated performance, there is a recognised ‘performance gap’ between design intent and real-world usage.

CIBSE TM54, titled ‘Evaluating Operational Energy Use at the Design Stage,’ aims to address this gap by employing dynamic simulation modelling. This approach considers the complexities and variations in energy use over time, the interactions between different elements of a building, as well as the additional energy used by unregulated systems which is becoming an increasing contributor to overall energy use and emissions.

At Futura Bright, we utilise dynamic simulation modelling to assess operational energy consumption and energy performance, providing valuable insights for carbon reduction. 

We are here to assist you in:

  • Bridging the ‘performance gap’
  • Fulfilling planning policy or end-client requirements
  • Informing and refining energy consumption targets
  • Understanding the actual operational energy performance
  • Gaining an accurate representation of an existing buildings and assisting you in building a decarbonisation plan to help manage your assets into the future.